Parsing rules


You can customize template parsing rules in art-template. Standard syntax and orginal syntax is configured by default.

Modify delimiters

// delimiter rules of original syntax
template.defaults.rules[0].test = /<%(#?)((?:==|=#|[=-])?)[ \t]*([\w\W]*?)[ \t]*(-?)%>/;
// delimiter rules of standard syntax
template.defaults.rules[1].test = /{{([@#]?)[ \t]*(\/?)([\w\W]*?)[ \t]*}}/;

They are regular expressions and you can only modify the delimiter part. For example, modify <% %> to <? ?>:

var rule = template.defaults.rules[0];
rule.test = new RegExp(rule.test.source.replace('<%', '<\\\?').replace('%>', '\\\?>'));

Add syntax

Let’s start with a simple example that make template engine support parse of template strings ${name} of ES6:

test: /\${([\w\W]*?)}/,
use: function(match, code) {
return {
code: code,
output: 'escape'

test is a regular expression which matches strings and use is a callback function after matching. About use function:

  • parameters: first parameter is the matching string, and others are content of capturing group of test regular expression
  • return value: MUST return an object containing code and output properties:
    • code transformed JavaScript statements
    • output describe type of code, optional value:
      • 'escape' output after encoding
      • 'raw' output raw content
      • false output nothing

It’s worth mentioning that syntax rules have no effect on rendering speed and template parser will help you optimize rendering performance.