
art-template supports standard syntax and original syntax. Standard syntax allows templates to be easier to read and write. While original syntax has powerful logical processing ability.

Standard syntax supports basic templating syntax and JavaScript expression. Original syntax supports arbitrary JavaScript statement, the same as EJS.


standard syntax

{{a ? b : c}}
{{a || b}}
{{a + b}}

original syntax

<%= value %>
<%= data.key %>
<%= data['key'] %>
<%= a ? b : c %>
<%= a || b %>
<%= a + b %>

You can use $data with bracket notation to access a first-class variable of templates (such as keyword, reserved word, etc):

{{$data['user list']}}

Raw output

standard syntax

{{@ value }}

original syntax

<%- value %>

raw output will not escape the content of HTML, so there may be security problems. Please be careful.


standard syntax

{{if value}} ... {{/if}}
{{if v1}} ... {{else if v2}} ... {{/if}}

original syntax

<% if (value) { %> ... <% } %>
<% if (v1) { %> ... <% } else if (v2) { %> ... <% } %>


standard syntax

{{each target}}
{{$index}} {{$value}}

original syntax

<% for(var i = 0; i < target.length; i++){ %>
<%= i %> <%= target[i] %>
<% } %>
  1. target supports iteration of array and object, and its default value is $data.
  2. $value and $index can be customized: {{each target val key}}.


standard syntax

{{set temp = data.sub.content}}

original syntax

<% var temp = data.sub.content; %>

Template inheritance

standard syntax

{{extend './'}}
{{block 'head'}} ... {{/block}}

original syntax

<% extend('./') %>
<% block('head', function(){ %> ... <% }) %>

Template inheritance allows you to build a basic templating “skeleton” that contains common parts of your site. Example:

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>{{block 'title'}}My Site{{/block}}</title>

{{block 'head'}}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">
{{block 'content'}}{{/block}}
{{extend './'}}

{{block 'title'}}{{title}}{{/block}}

{{block 'head'}}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="custom.css">

{{block 'content'}}
<p>This is just an awesome page.</p>

After rendering, layout skeleton will be automatically applied.

Sub template

standard syntax

{{include './'}}
{{include './' data}}

original syntax

<% include('./') %>
<% include('./', data) %>
  1. data value is $data by default. Standard syntax doesn’t support declaration of object and array but reference variable. However, original syntax is no limits.
  2. art-template has built-in HTML minifier and please avoid writing abnormal closing tag in sub templates. Otherwise, tags may be unexpectedly “optimized” when minimize option is open.


register filters

template.defaults.imports.dateFormat = function(date, format){/*[code..]*/};
template.defaults.imports.timestamp = function(value){return value * 1000};

The first parameter of filter function accepts target value.

standard syntax

{{date | timestamp | dateFormat 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss'}}

{{value | filter}} filter syntax is similar to pipe operator. Its last output will be the next input.

original syntax

<%= $imports.dateFormat($imports.timestamp(date), 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') %>

If you want to modify {{ }} and <% %>,please refer to rules.